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morning call 午后的正式訪問。

morning coat

Air conditioning , idd , ddd , bar lounge , business center , cable tv , conference facilities , multi - language staff , shopping arcade , ticket booking , swimming pool , airline desk , beauty salon , coffee shop , complimentary daily newspaper , gymnasium , laundry , morning call , mini - bar , internet service , tea coffee boiling pot , refrigerator , restaurant type of rooms 大廈設有會議室辦公室室外游泳池咖啡廳夜總會桑拿等康樂設施,還有票務銀行旅游服務德國進口全自動停車庫干洗衣店等綜合服務設施,適宜外籍及it界人士長住或辦公,是國內外企業做辦事處的最佳選擇,亦是商務旅游培訓度假會議最理想的下榻之處。

Air conditioning , bar lounge , beauty salon , conference room , business centre , gymnasium , fitness , sauna , massage , clinic , beauty centre , laundry , money exchange , public safe , morning call , tv , internet service , 110 voltage plug , shopping arcade , airline desk , , banquet facilities , coffee shop , billiards , karaoke , ktv rooms , mahjong , complimentary daily newspaper , hairdryer in bedroom , english - speaking staff , idd , refrigerator , restaurants , travel service 酒店配套設施全,可容納幾人到上百人使用的會議廳及多功能廳,會議廳更配有完善的會議設施,如多媒體投影儀及膠片投影儀等高品質的會議影音設備,提供完善的設備服務,滿足您商務會談新聞發布會技術交流會等各類會議的不同需要。

Newly renovated in 2003 . air conditioning , beauty salon , conference facilities , laundry , money exchange , morning call , tv , business center , complimentary daily newspaper , english - speaking staff , idd , restaurants , shopping arcade , 110 voltage plug 飯店有川菜廳粵菜廳,大小會議廳可容納150 - 20人不等,商務文印中心,購物中心,茶坊,健身房,棋牌,桑拿按摩,美容美發等設施。

The morning call to prayer , a ritual practice everyday for thousands of years 早晨禱告的呼喚,為期數千年的一個儀式慣例。

B : then we will arrange a morning call at seven thirty . will that be fine 那么我把早晨喚醒服務安排在7點半好嗎?

Would you like a morning call 您要叫醒服務嗎?

B : then we will arrange a morning call at 7 : 30 . will that be fine 那么我把早晨喚醒服務安排在7點半好嗎?

Then we will arrange a morning call at 7 : 30 . will that be fine 那么我把早晨喚醒服務安排在7點半好嗎?

Your voice is no good for a morning call 你的聲音聽起來有點糟

This is beautiful , by the way . i got an early - morning call time 這里真漂亮我明天早上還要早起

Don ' t worry , sir . we have morning call number 別擔心先生,我們有叫早服務。

So i would like to request an early morning call 因此我想讓你們明天早上叫醒我。

That was a morning call service for ms na nan 這里是na nan小姐定制的早間喚醒服務